Publications @InProceedings{CanComConIWSASC, AUTHOR = {Cannataro, Mario and Comito, Carmela and Congiusta, Antonio and Folino, Gianluigi and Mastroianni, Carlo and Pugliese, Andrea and Spezzano, Giandomenico and Talia, Domenico and Veltri, Pierangelo}, TITLE = {A general architecture for Grid-based PSE toolkits}, YEAR = {2006}, BOOKTITLE = {International Workshop on State-of-the-Art in Scientific Computing (PARA'04)}, VOLUME = {3732}, PAGES = {656--664}, SERIES = {LNCS}, ADDRESS = {Berlin/Heidelberg}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, URL = {}, NOTE = {ISBN: 3-540-29067-2}, ANNOTE = {Workshop on State-of-the-Art in Scientific Computing PARA 04, Copenaghen, Denmark, June 2004, Revised Selected Paper}, KEYWORDS = {Grid, PSE} }