Publications @TechReport{GioMas2010, AUTHOR = {Giordanelli, Raffaele and Mastroianni, Carlo}, TITLE = {The Cloud Computing Paradigm: Characteristics, Opportunities and Research Issues}, YEAR = {2010}, MONTH = {April}, NUMBER = {RT-ICAR-CS-10-01}, INSTITUTION = {ICAR-CNR}, URL = {}, PDF = {}, ABSTRACT = {The Cloud Computing paradigm has become one of the most interesting trends in the arena of distributed computing owing to its numerous merits: Cloud frameworks allow the managers of server farms to adapt and optimize resource usage; the “start-up” of small and medium enterprises is becoming easier and less onerous, thanks to the possibility of cutting fixed costs; Clouds can support industrial and academic research efficiently, because they allow complex tasks to be executed in short time with the use of resources allocated on demand. After a short summary of Cloud Computing origins and history, this document aims to illustrate the main ideas underlying the Cloud paradigm, and describe the different kinds of Cloud frameworks, trying to shed light over the confusion about the Cloud Computing concept. This document also examines the peculiarities and similarities of Cloud Computing with respect to the other paradigms that have recently emerged in the field of parallel/distributed computing, such as Peerto- Peer, Grid Computing and Utility Computing. All these paradigms have several common objectives, therefore there are notable benefits that can derive from the use of Cloud solutions in existing and future computing systems: these benefits, and the way to accomplish them, are discussed. Finally, the most important Cloud frameworks that are currently available are illustrated and compared.} }