Publications @InCollection{ForMasPapBook08, AUTHOR = {Forestiero, Agostino and Mastroianni, Carlo and Papadakis, Harris and Fragopoulou, Paraskevi and Tretola, Giancarlo and Zimeo, Eugenio}, TITLE = {A Scalable Architecture for Discovery and Composition in P2P Service Networks}, YEAR = {2008}, MONTH = {July}, BOOKTITLE = {Grid Computing: Achievements and Prospects}, PAGES = {97--108}, EDITOR = {Gorlatch, Sergei and Fragopoulou, Paraskevi and Priol, Thierry}, ADDRESS = {USA}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, URL = {}, NOTE = {Selected papers of the 3rd CoreGRID Integration Workshop - ISBN 978-0-387-09456-4}, KEYWORDS = {Grid, swarm intelligence, Workflow} }