Publications @Article{ComMasTalIJWSR06, AUTHOR = {Comito, Carmela and Mastroianni, Carlo and Talia, Domenico}, TITLE = {Metadata, Ontologies and Information Models for Resource Management in Grid-based PSE Toolkits}, YEAR = {2006}, MONTH = {October}, JOURNAL = {International Journal of Web Services Research}, VOLUME = {3}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {52--72}, ADDRESS = { Hershey, PA, USA}, PUBLISHER = {IDEA Group Publishing}, URL = {}, PDF = {}, ABSTRACT = { A PSE toolkit is a group of technologies within a software architecture through which multiple PSEs can be built for different application domains. The effective use of a PSE toolkit requires the management of the heterogeneity of the involved resources that can include computers, data, network facilities, sensors, and software tools provided by different organizations. A distributed implementations of a PSE toolkit can be envisioned through the exploitation of features and functionalities offered by a service-oriented Grid framework, so obtaining a Grid PSE toolkit based on Web services. This paper presents a metadata model for Grid PSE toolkits based on Web services and the architecture of an information system that exploits the proposed metadata model. These two components contribute to define a general model of metadata management for supporting the design and implementation of problem solving environments on Grids.}, KEYWORDS = {Grid, Metadata, Ontology, PSE, XML} }