Paolo Lindia is a Ph.D. student in ICT at DIMES DepartmentUniversity of Calabria (Italy). His research interests fall in the broad areas of Data Analytics, Machine and Deep Learning, and include Urban Computing, Smart Cities, Knowledge Discovery applications.

He received his Bachelor’s degree in Statistics for Business from Univeristy of Calabria in 2019 and his Master’s degree in Data Science from University of Milano-Bicocca in 2022. During his study, he acquired expertise in a range of areas, including machine learning and deep learning, streaming data management and time series analysis, social network analysis, text mining and natural language processing, data mining, digital signal and image management. These skills have equipped me with a strong foundation for my current research and teaching activities.

PhD in Information and Communication Technology, in progress, University of Calabria
M.Sc. in Data Science, 2022, University of Milano-Bicocca

B.Sc. in Statistics for Business, 2019, University of Calabria